Membangun Kesuksesan Digital, Berdampingan
Di Shearwater, klien kami adalah mitra yang bekerja sama untuk memberikan hasil bisnis terbaik. Kami melihat anda lebih dari sekedar klien - kita tumbuh bersama untuk mencapai dampak yang sukses dalam transformasi digital.
Wondering What They Think About Us?
Expense claims vary in value and frequency from one individual to another, so it was important for the system to be easy to use, provide procedural consistency for all types of claims and enable prompt approvals and reimbursement at all times.
Peter Keery, Finance Transformation Director
We regard Shearwater as a strategic partner in mutual growth. Their services demonstrated extensive global expertise and excelled in efficiently addressing and supporting the advancement of our business. Thanks to the teams, the implementation was completed concisely within 3 months, paving the way for our business expansion.
Yuya Sakurai, Executive Officer and Head of DX Strategy
Perusahaan yang Telah Mempercayai Kami

Shearwater Asia is a leading one-stop finance and IT digital transformation consultancy in Asia with over 14 years of experience.
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